Competition Rules
These competitions are only open to eligible Club members
Any ammunition that meets range safety requirements and complies with NRA rules for that class of shooting may be used in Club competitions.
For all other conditions NRA rules of shooting applicable at the time will apply.
The Committee may adjust the course of fire of any competition due to target space, time constraints or other circumstances beyond their control on the day of the competition.
MacLeay Trophy - Short Range Championship
2 convertible sighting shots and 10 shots to count at 300, 500 and 600 yards
Langley Spoon - Long Range Championship
2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots to count at 900 and 1,000 yards
CWA Ray Trophy - Club Championship
Awarded to the highest aggregate score of the Short Range and Long Range competitions.
J O Wright Trophy
Awarded to the Club member attaining the highest position in the HM The Queens/Kings Prize during the NRA annual rifle meeting.
Simmonds Catastrophe Tropy
Awarded to the member suffering the greatest self inflicted catastrophe on (or off) the ranges during the year. Nominations for this trophy are made to the Committee. The Trophy is awarded at the discretion of the Committee. Any catastrophe considered to be self inflicted in order to win will not be considered.