A much calmer day though still some difficult winds to read early on. All 3 shoots completed today with some good results from your Ibis members.
Highlight of the day being Peter with his 4th placing in the Times with a 50.09 and 2nd place in the Howcroft Newspaper Aggregate being counted out on longest range by David Luckman.
Also appearing on the Howcroft prize list were Reg at 27th and Nick at 53rd.
Special mention to David Colegate for his 73.10 in the Prince of Wales 600 yard competion which placed him 54th in the list and means he has now lost his Tyro status having finished in 3 prize lists this meeting above the last Class O in the prize list. Future years will be a little more difficult now David but well done on your performance so far; keep it up!

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