A good day for Ibis Rifle Club!
We have 4 members shooting in the 2nd Stage of the King's Prize which is the best representation for many a year.
Those 4 also formed a team entry in the Rifle Clubs match based on the scores in the1st Stage and were placed 3rd overall and winners of 4 Bronze NRA medals. Well done!
I can't recall Ibis team achieving a top 3 placing in recent years.
David Colgate and NIck Roberts are through to the Chairman's Prize final to be shot on Friday morning.
The main part of the week is now over with the various team matches and the next stages of the major comps.
Good luck to all over the next few days.!
Don't forget we would love to see more Ibis members down to watch the end of the King's prize final (1000 yards starts at 15.30). Who knows we may have someine to support so watch the website for any update on Friday afternoon!

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